Hi, Andrew?!
Hi, Andrew?!
Hi, Andrew?!
Hi, Andrew?!
Hi, Andrew?!
Hi, Andrew?!

Hi, Andrew?!

Webflow Design & Development


Andrew first approached us to design the cover for his very own upcoming book; ‘Hi, Andrew?!' which outlines his stories and travels as a Uber driver. Andrew had mentioned he had a ton of content which he has compiled over the years and when got to know Andrew a bit better through our discovery call, we were hooked.

[Our Approach]

Something different...

After creating the book cover, Andrew wanted a site for potential readers and social followers to visit and in turn make a purchase of the book or just simply find out a bit more about Andrew and his journey.

The content which Andrew had gathered was incredible: Video content, voice snippets, photographs, Youtube videos, Tweets.... the list was endless and we were excited to be able to create something which could house some of this rich content in a way which spoke to his target market.

The results

Through our discovery questionnaire Andrew mentioned a collage style which he was particularly fond of. He also had various interests which he wanted to portray through the site from black culture to hiphop.

With the many images he had sent over (over 100) we carefully curated bespoke collages which we could show in a visually appealing manner on the site. We began this collage theme with a cutout version of his logo title as if you were entering into his world.

We introduced some subtle and pleasant animations to compliment the collage style images and also added video content where we felt would make great impact such as the Uber review section.

Andrew was extremely pleased with his site and we were proud to play a part in the launch of his book!

another one...
Determined by Design
another one...
another one...
The Hair Chateau
another one...
The Royal Albion
another one...
Santa Maria Pizzeria
another one...
The Archive Cafe
another one...
Status Creative
another one...
Hi, Andrew?!
another one...
Determined by Design